Ep. 16: Why do friends drift apart?


Why are some of the most meaningful relationships formed in our early years, the hardest to keep as life goes on?

In this week’s episode, Abel and Aaron reflect and discuss a popular article titled “The Families We Choose” written by Helena Fitzgerald. The article discusses the reality that is friends drifting apart as life goes on. Abel and Aaron discuss their experiences with this reality, why exactly it might be the reality, and how to potentially counter it.

Links and Shownotes

  1. Article of Discussion: The Families we Choose by Helena Fitzgerald.

  2. The Singularity is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology

  3. Could Elon Musk Really Solve World Hunger? Podcast episode and article by The Indicator from Planet Money.

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Ep. 17: How do we learn (and Why)?


Ep. 15: The best and worst advice we’ve ever received.