Ep. 05: Is post-secondary education still worth it?

In our world today, with free access to unlimited knowledge, is the investment in post-secondary education still worth it?

In our world today, with free access to unlimited knowledge, is the investment in post-secondary education still worth it?

In this episode, Abel and Aaron debate and speak on the value of post-secondary education. Specifically, they discuss their experiences of how their view of post-secondary education has changed over time and the pros and cons of pursuing college/university.

Amongst other things, they digress into the value of statistics and metrics in sports.


  1. Dirk Nowitski Documentary - The Perfect Shot

  2. Kenya’s Population Correction: 52.57 Million as of 2019

  3. All Time Fastest Marathons

  4. Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (National Exam)

  5. 3 Blue, 1 Brown - Youtube Channel

  6. The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss

  7. Simon Sinek - “Start with Why” Ted Talk

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Ep. 06: Nature vs. Nurture


Ep. 04: The rise and demise of social media in our lives.