Ep. 06: Nature vs. Nurture

How much of our traits are due to our genetic pre-disposition, and how much are due to our environment and upbringing?

How much of our traits are due to our genetic pre-disposition, and how much are due to our environment and upbringing?

In this episode, Abel and Aaron discuss the topic of Nature vs. Nurture. They go through their respective understanding of the commonly debated concept, as well as how much of themselves they see as a product of their genes vs. their environment. They also discuss the importance of approaching this self-observation and what value it can bring us day-to-day.

Amongst other things, they also discuss their top book recommendations for those looking to read more non-fiction.


  1. The Ape that Understood the Universe: How the Mind and Culture Evolve by Steve Stewart-Williams.

  2. The Self-Illusion: How the Social Brain creates Identity by Bruce Hood

  3. Nomvula performed by the Mofolw Melodies

  4. Aaron’s 4 books for anyone getting started with reading non-fiction

    1. Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker

    2. Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins

    3. The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman

    4. Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art by James Nestor

  5. Abel’s book recommendation for anyone

    1. Factfulness: Ten Reasons We’re Wrong About the World - and Why Things Are Better Than you Think by Hans Rosling.

      1. Ted Talk by the Author about some of the findings in the Book

      2. Gapminder - Website with dynamic visualizations used from the book and the Ted Talk

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Ep. 07: What will we regret on our deathbeds?


Ep. 05: Is post-secondary education still worth it?